Josef's Hompage

You may get the same information in german deutsche Flagge here.
Josef Sauerland
Am Hohen Kreuz 1a
59590 Geseke

Hi !

Welcome to my homepage in the royal. My name is Josef Sauerland and I was born in 1965 in my home town Geseke. I am 1,83 m, have blue eyes and wear glasses. The above photo was taken in February 1996.

After having finished my A-levels and my national service, I studied informatics at the university in Paderborn. At the same time I worked as a lecturer at the adult education centre Möhne- Lippe. In the winter semester 1995/96 I finished my studies successfully.

In my leisure time I am busy with my different hobbies - governed by the season. I like juggling, biking - either with my ricer bicycle or with my unicycle. Furthermore, I like swimming, reading science fiction- and fantasy books or I deal with data transmission. In my hometown I am committed to the local government politics; during my studies in Paderbon I got to know to the backgrond of the higher education policy. In addition, I take an active part in the "Wissenschaftlichen Katholischen Studentenverein Unitas Hathumar Paderborn". Sometimes I spend my weekends as assistant or member at workshops of the Westdeutschen Stenografenjugend.

Should you have further questions to my person please contact me through e-mail or PGP-Mail which I prefer. The following is my PGP-public key.

With electronical regards,
Josef Sauerland

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